Sleeper Awakened

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1/17/2017 - I, Daniel Blake (2016) - 8-/10

The most empathetic film of the year, blazing a trail of tearful resistance to the grinding machine of the system in the most "personal" and quietest of ways. This is a film of astounding realism and a whisper of a shout, despite few being present to listen. Identifiable, enslaving, and emotionally eviscerating. A film of hopeful sadness and consummate quality of character.

Though elements of the plot and the characters could be seen as lightweight or stereotypical, there is a deft adroitness and a rueful plausibility within it all. Lacking flash or intricacy, the direction, as well as the other aesthetic elements of the feature, are svelte but polished. This is a film of heart and compassion, as the emotional momentum is perpetuated on the actors' affective faces and the verisimilitude of their downtrodden struggles.

This movie moved me, from minute one to the heavy hearted finale. Most certainly would recommend.