Sleeper Awakened

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DEADPOOL 2 (2018)

4/18/18 - Deadpool 2 (2018) - 4+/5-/10

I liked this film better than its predecessor, but I also did not like the first one, so that was an extremely low bar to clear in my mind. I dislike Deadpool, but they managed to make this film more fun than the previous. They capitalized on its unique position and voice to poke fun at niche subjects (film and comics) that I personally identified with. The in-jokes often worked for me, not to the point of actually laughing, but I was able to squeeze a smile on occasion.

Thankfully we had a bit more to sink our teeth into with this film, and by that I mean other characters. Deadpool’s incessant dick and poop jokes wash over me and are forgotten  immediately; to the point in which I barely remember anything the character said after the film’s conclusion. I do remember the members of X-Force, especially Domino, Colossus, the surprise villain cameo, and most importantly Cable. His gruffness and grit certainly helped me swallow this film pill down. I liked his time on the screen and found most of these ancillary character’s bits and bobs interesting and fun.

Again, it was too juvenile, self-satisfied, and over-eager to push envelopes for my taste. That said, I didn’t hate it. It was fine, as far as that goes. There were enough sprinkles of sugar and spice to keep the meal hovering around satisfactory. If you liked the first one, I would assume you will like this one as well, unless the Deadpool has begun to grate on you.