Sleeper Awakened

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3/17/20 - Daughter of the Wolf - 3/10

This might be the most straightforward movie I have seen in a while. Army woman tries to rescue her kidnapped son. No more real plot or frills. From minute one to minute ... oh wait! Let’s throw in some wolves, skulking around. Oh! And some bizarre plot about Richard Dreyfus being a mountain man pseudo cult leader generational kidnapper mob boss named “Father”... uh. Ok. Yeah, I don’t know what this movie wanted to say, or if it wanted to say anything beyond the “mother’s love can’t be stopped”.

I watched this because I like Gina Carano. Ever since Haywire,I have hoped for good things from her. I like her physicality and believability, being from the MMA world. Her acting is...somewhat adequate. That is why you have her knife fighting on the side of a waterfall cliff and such. But there are only so many gun standoffs and slow speed chases that you can pull out. This is her vehicle, but it was driving on balds from the get go.

I have no idea what this “Father” stuff is about, or why the wolves are peripherally relevant. Perhaps they are metaphors, for mother nature or something. Or perhaps they were just wolves. I don’t know. Seems like these were seeds of ideas that never grew into flowering plants. And in the garden of the movie, we have some  plain flowers scattered and overrun with weeds. Maybe best to just replant the whole thing.