Sleeper Awakened

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7/20/20 - The Assistant (2020) - 5+/10

The severely quiet, reserved, battered, lonesome and mundane. It is muted to the point of near emptiness. It isn’t vacant for it gently pumps the banal beat of life; the blood that runs deep in those veins is watery, no matter how black and foul it may be.

 It is a well made movie that I respected but couldn’t find the path to veneration. I completely rationalize and sympathize with it’s purpose and I even feel the way it was made was classy and commensurate, but it’s lack of juice or real emotion… its coldness smothered its potential for my viewing. Perhaps it would have been different in a darkened theater, surrounded by patrons all succumbing to the sinister lecherousness of this studio exec’s ways and the culture surrounding it, but I was alone in front of my television unmoved. I just didn’t fancy it.