Sleeper Awakened

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9/4/2016 - Jason Bourne (2016) - 5-/10

Generally middlingly satisfying, especially for anyone who has enjoyed the Bourne franchise, but this one felt tired and unnecessary. Probably the most convoluted plot thus far, upping antes for over-wrought drama, jumpy story logic, and the clunkiest "shoving in current political issue" yet.

Damon seemed mostly stoney with a touch of aloof. This also felt like the first "my dad: the secret agent" of the series. I see why they had chosen to replace him in the last (and unremembered) sequel. (That isn't to say that Damon/Bourne can't still be kick ass) TLJ was serviceable, but unspectacular. Vikander was completely underutilized. Such a waste.

This film felt forced, from concept to execution. Probably the most ridiculous Bourne car chase yet and some of the shakiest close-up fights you will ever see (which I despise, in general). I think Greengeass and Damon should let this one rest In peace. This a fine "in flight movie", but the excitement is gone, from Julia Styles leaving to the latest "hip" remix of that Moby tune outro. Can't we and the CIA just let Bourne live out the rest of his days off the grid?