Sleeper Awakened

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DEEP BLUE SEA 3 (2020)

9/11/20 - Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020) -5-/10


Yes this is a dumb film about super smart sharks, but the way it is shot, the acting and chunks of the script were all actually pretty good. Also, you are watching DEEP BLUE SEA THREE! Under the circumstances you are presented, it exceeds expectations.When super smart sharks do insane things it is a delight, causing many hilarious uproars from me.

It establishes stupidity early on, which gives a baseline for the dumb and the scares, along with a generic message about environmentalism. At least it has something it is fighting for, if only on the plot surface. It also uses the two previous films to set up the 3rd, something I do appreciate.

It avoids the dumb tropes you expect while capitalizing on the dumb tropes you want. The characters are what you expect but also don’t go head-over-heels in indulging their presets...mostly. Keeping the spirit of the past films, especially the “rousing and principled speech cut off by an attacking shark”, was a highlight.

The cast was surprisingly solid. Tania Raymonde is the right level of serious, impassioned, active, and star worthy. Buzolic plays his douchey teen hearthrob to good effect. And Brooks and Foster pack the action. I don’t see any major awards coming from DBS3, but I thought it was well cast and sturdily performed.

The CGI is hit and miss, but pretty decent for the budget. The sharks look goofy at times, but serviceable for the most part. But it doesn’t try to hide them. Nor does it hide its other blatant elements. I give this film props for putting the meat on display; giving us plenty of bare chested hunks, while not over-sexualizing our female protagonist. Not that they don’t unnecessarily show her skin, but its tasteful, all things considered. The deaths are pretty choice along with the ridiculousness of the situations. It keeps it fresh and well paced.

For the camp and level you expect, this over delivers. Don’t get out over your fins though. This is still a silly movie about super sharks, but I am saying it’s worth taking a bite out of.