Sleeper Awakened

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RABID (2019)

12/22/19 - Rabid (2019) - 4/10

The premise is decent and starts out as one might expect. The horror starts and it is going fairly normally, but then sh*t gets real and the film goes a tad bonkers. What starts out as a treatise on the price of beauty with some facial body horror turns into a raving infection of zombie attacks, creepy appendages and double crosses.

There is a Lovecraftian bent (not in a cosmic sense) to not only the chimeric monstrosities and tentacled terror in the darkness, but the maddening (un)ending - there is no hope and there is a definite sense of out of humanity’s control. I will give it points for pushing the envelope and going on a bloody limb, but the story gets thin and the characters disappear as zombies break in and her body bursts out.

Laura Vandervoort is pretty good and the film is decent, but lacks the killer bite.