4/19/2016 - Creative Control (2015) - 5+/6-/10
This slick and stylish exploration of the melancholic Pandora's Box of technological immersion and our "never enough/mile-a-minute" lifestyle scratches that contemplative itch but doesn't satisfy the dramatic hunger.
It is an interesting look at an all-too-close near future where technology is even more intertwined in our lives than it already is. Provides much to think about and looks good while considering it. Think a black and white Her-lite, without the emotional depth.
Though engaging intellectually, philosophically, and cinematically, the story doesn't fully come together. Much of the plot is well set up, but jumps around too choppily. The characters are nice creations, but a tad shallow. As the film loses its steam towards the end, it begins to collapse under its own weight, not quite connecting the dots it needs.
All that said, it is still a pretty decent film. There is a groundwork for a really good film that doesn't properly get built upon. Solid enough to sustain interest though.